by Vitoco
Beitrag/Entry #1: Chase Me
Platform: Atari 800 XL
Author: Victor "Vitoco" Parada
Language: Fast BASIC 4.6
Category: EXTREM-256
by Metzelwurst
Beitrag/Entry #1: SnailRace
Platform: Commodore 64
Author: Sönke "Metzelwurst" Schultz
Language: Commodore BASIC V2
by Keith Erickson
Beitrag/Entry #2: Maze 80
Platform: MSX
Author: Keith Erickson
Language: MSX BASIC
Beitrag/Entry #3: Pac-10Liner
Platform: Atari 8 Bit
Beitrag/Entry #4: Guess the Number
Language: Atari BASIC
Category: SCHAU
by Noah Burney
Beitrag/Entry #5: Bomb Squad
Author: Noah Burney
Language: FastBASIC 4.7
by Haegar of Synergy
Beitrag/Entry #6: B-Breakout
Platform: Commodore 16/ Plus/4
Author: Haegar of Sysnergy
Language: Commodore BASIC 3.5
Category: PUR-80
by romwer
Beitrag/Entry #7: Battleships 10Liner
Author: Roman "romwer" Werner
by Matthew Begg
Beitrag/Entry #8: Ten Liner Counter
Platform: Sinclair ZX Spectrum
Author: Matthew Begg
Language: Sinclair BASIC
by Xave
Beitrag/Entry #9: Echa un culin
Author: Xave
by FeCO
Beitrag/Entry #10: Bounce! PUR120
Platform: C16 / Plus/4
Author: FeCO
Category: PUR-120
Beitrag/Entry #11: TinyBasic
Beitrag/Entry #12: Minesweeper
Beitrag/Entry #13: DeLorean Dash
by spotlessmind1975
Beitrag/Entry #14: Beyound the Door
Platform: Multi
Author: Marco "spotlessmind1975" Spedaletti
Language: ugBASIC
by Jim Gerrie
Beitrag/Entry #15: Conveyor Belt
Platform: Tandy TRS-80 MC10
Author: Jim Gerrie
Language: Micro Color BASIC
Beitrag/Entry #16: Softball
Beitrag/Entry #17: BBSMaze
by Marquis de Geek
Beitrag/Entry #18: 10 Line Dino
Platform: Sinclair ZX 81
Author: Steven "Marquis de Geek" Goodwin
by aldweb
Beitrag/Entry #19: Fill Screen With Zeros game
Platform: Sharp PC-1211 Pocket Computer
Author: Laurent "aldweb" Duveau
Language: S'-BASIC
Beitrag/Entry #20: Barcode Battle
by Masterware Entertainment
Beitrag/Entry #21: Munchy
Platform: Commodore VIC20
Author: Rainer "Masterware Entertainment" Kappler
by loudscotsbloke
Beitrag/Entry #22: 10Line Bomber! 2025
Platform: Mattel Aquarius
Author: Roy "loudscotsbloke" Templeman
Language: Microsoft BASIC
by Toolkitman
Beitrag/Entry #23: Il mio primo chatbot 1984
Author: Matteo "Toolkitman" Trevisan
by Pablo Villar Vega
Beitrag/Entry #24: Pythonisa
Author: Pablo Villar Vega
by Kaido Kotoni
Beitrag/Entry #25: 6 types of one-line games
Author: Kaido Kotoni
Beitrag/Entry #26: 2 types of one-line demonstrations
Platform: MSX2
Beitrag/Entry #27: PETister
Language: HTML
Category: WILD
Beitrag/Entry #28: TurnRight!
Platform: Enterprise 128
Language: IS BASIC
by Eric Carr
Beitrag/Entry #29: FujiNet Battleship!
Platform: Atari 8-Bit
Author: Eric Carr
Language: Fast BASIC 4.7
Beitrag/Entry #30: Beauty Contest
by RoePipi
Beitrag/Entry #31: Two canaries pecking
Platform: Commodore 16 / Plus/4
Author: RoePipi
by lupoman
Beitrag/Entry #32: Wall81
Author: Luis "lupoman" Pieri
by Josip Retro Bits
Beitrag/Entry #33: Tiles
Author: Josip "Josip Retro Bits" Kalebic
Beitrag/Entry #34: Chase
Beitrag/Entry #35: ZX Stock Exchange
Platform: Sinclair ZX spectrum
by Huffelduff
Beitrag/Entry #36: Combinatorics
Platform: Commodore VIC 20
Author: E W "Huffelduff" de Villiers
by Mr SQL
Beitrag/Entry #37: SimonSaysTouchMe AI is active
Platform: Atari 2600
Author: Tom "Mr SQL" Babich
Language: Supercharger BASIC
by Sander Alsema
Beitrag/Entry #38: A is for Aardvark
Author: Sander Alsema
by Marco's Retrobits
Beitrag/Entry #39: Lader
Author: Marco "Marco's Retrobits" Varesio
by D. Scott Williamson
Beitrag/Entry #40: WORDLE
Author: D. Scott Williamson
Beitrag/Entry #41: 2048