BASIC 10Liners 2018 - The results
PUR-80 PUR-120 EXTREM-256
1. Switchback /Atari /8.79 1. WR-Ball! /C64 /9.17 1. Defensor /Atari /9.83
2. Bitcoin Miner/C64 /8.67 2. Slalom 1.1 /C64 /8.50 2. Tempest /CoCo 2 /9.30
3. Last Outpost/C64 /7.67 3. Magic Cups /Atari /8.36 3. ShiPS! /C128 /8.83
Base Scout /C64 /7.67 4. Der Kappellmeister/Atari/8.00 4. La Peste /Atari /8.71
5. Bomber /C64 /7.33 5. Alby, the albino/Atari /7.21 5. Defender /Atari /8.21
6. Deep Canyon/Atari /7.21 6. Fin Lander /MSX /7.20 6. Good Guy Bad Guy/C64 /8.17
7. Space Patrol/VIC20 /7.17 7. Build10 /Atari /7.17 7. Tetris /MC-10 /8.00
8. Long Jump /M100 /7.00 8. Maze Race /MC-10 /7.10 8. Skydiver /Atari /7.67
9. Golf64 /C64 /6.83 9. Drop /Atari /6.93 9. Red Meets /Amstrad /7.50
10.Uncle Simon/Atari /6.64 10. Numaze /M200 /6.75 10. BOSSNVDR /Atari /7.43
11.Duck!!! /C64 /6.50 11. Crazy Balloon II/Atari /6.50 11. Asteroid Belt/MSX /5.80
2nd Stroop /Atari /6.50 12. GATES /VCS /6.17 12. Red's Hurdles/Amstrad /5.67
Windy Day /C64 /6.50 13. Alien Attack/MC-10 /5.90 13. Katy Ledecky's/MSX /5.60
14.Knight's Tour/VIC20 /6.33 14. Diamond Hunt/MC-10 /5.50 14. Last Target /Amstrad /4.83
15.ESU Pro Boxing/C64 /6.00 15. Dots & Boxes/Atari /5.33 15. Race 2018 /Amstrad /4.17
16.Spike Dislike/Amstrad /5.17 16. Alert 0 /MC-10 /5.00 16. Castle Thief /C64 /3.17
ChemtrailPilot/C64 /5.17 17. PENG!!! /C64 /3.33 17. 30 seconds /Amstrad /3.00
18.Böser Watz /Amstrad /4.67
19.Codebreaker/M100 /4.25
20.Squareland /C64 /4.20
21.Egg Collector/C64 /3.83
22.Top Broker /C64 /3.17
23.Goat /C64 /2.83
24.Hacking the Logon/CoCo/1.00
1. Golf64 Selector/C64
2. Aliens Attack /Amstrad
3. p1an0 /Atari
Squidscape /C64
5. Starfield /Amstrad
6. ARP-X /C64
7. Eastership 2018/C64
8. Amiga BASIC Login/Amiga