Would like to discuss your games 'Don't Touch Twice' and 'Silo'. I've enjoyed playing 'Don't Touch Twice' through the Vice VIC-20 Emulator and would like to translate to the Amstrad CPC, some of the colours don't quite match up with the VIC version as shown in the Mockup and since I'm not on Facebook, I've been unable to contact you, so I'm hoping I could get your permission to use your graphics for the Amstrad CPC version.

Sorry, I tried contacting you via email, but it bounced back to me.
Just wanted to say I'll acknowledge you for the use of the graphics.
I may have some questions later regarding Silo, though I've translated the program description and have the source, I'm stumped on the gameplay, I tend to use Space to Move the Ship and Enter/Return to Fire and the game continues.
My email is: 'out_bush at hotmail dot com' if you wish to discuss. Thanks.