Okay. You do what you can, I get that. Thanks for all your hard work, it's much appreciated!
Gefällt mir
08. Apr. 2019
We are hard at work... Quite a lot of work (and fun) to review all the games. You won't find any news before the presentation day at NOMAM (April 13th). For me it's a three hours ride to the NOMAM and I will return back home sunday evening or night, so don't expect the results before Monday the 15th on the homepage. We will do our best...
The results are online ...
I couldn't be there today, but I did wear the shirt and had a cold one as a tribute.
I couldn't help myself... even PUR-80 material.
1 data"00","02","20","22","26","06","60","66","@@@cc@@@","@@c@@c@@","@a@ef@b@" 2 data"@b@fe@a@","a@e@@fab","a@f@@abb","b@f@ad@a","b@eabf@a","b@abe@@a" 3 data"babef@@a","ab@ef@@b","a@eggf@b","@b@ef@a@","@a@ef@b@","@@c@@c@@":j=0 4 data"@@@cc@@@","-1":sc=7680:co=38400:printchr$(147):fori=0to7:readb$(i):next 5 reada$:ifa$="-1"thenpoke214,17:print:print" no ma'am":goto9 6 fori=1tolen(a$):c=asc(mid$(a$,i,1))-64:fork=1tolen(b$(c)) 7 d=val(mid$(b$(c),k,1)):ifd>0thenpokesc+j+i*2+k,160:pokeco+j+i*2+k,d 8 nextk,i:j=j+22:goto5 9 goto9
Okay. You do what you can, I get that. Thanks for all your hard work, it's much appreciated!
We are hard at work... Quite a lot of work (and fun) to review all the games. You won't find any news before the presentation day at NOMAM (April 13th). For me it's a three hours ride to the NOMAM and I will return back home sunday evening or night, so don't expect the results before Monday the 15th on the homepage. We will do our best...